Information for SCOUTS on Merit Badges
How to start a merit badge.
Troop 82 Merit Badge Process
- The Scout develops an interest in a merit badge and may begin working on the requirements unless the requirements specify otherwise. Requirements may say do this with merit badge counselor permission or before starting any other requirements do this first.
- The Scout discusses his interest in the merit badge with his unit leader - Merit Badge Coordinator.
- The unit leader signs a blue card and provides the Scout with at least one counselor contact. The blue card can be digitally signed in scoutbook or on a blue card.
- The Scout contacts the counselor. If the counselor agrees to work with the scout, the scout is connected to the merit badge counselor in scoutbook.
- The counselor considers any work toward requirements completed prior to the initial discussion with the unit leader.
- The Scout, his buddy, and the counselor meet (often several times).
- The Scout finishes the requirements.
- The counselor approves completion in scoutbook or on a blue card.
- The Scout returns the signed blue card to his unit leader, who signs the applicant record section of the blue card. Or Scout informs unit leader the merit badge is completed in scoutbook.
- The unit leader gives the Scout the applicant record or ensures has been completed digitally in
- The unit reports the merit badge to the council through internet advancement. (Advancement Chair responsibility)
- The Scout receives his merit badge, merit badge pocket certificate, blue card applicant record at the next Court of Honor.
Merit Badges at Camps, Merit Badge Events, or Virtual Merit Badges: The same general process is followed for merit badges. When the scout signs up for one of these events, the scout informs the unit leader just as above. If the camp is not using physical blue cards, often the camp will provide a printed report of scout attendance and completed requirements that is returned to Troop 82 leaders. The Advancement Chair enters this information in scoutbook and informs the merit badge coordinator of any partial merit badges. Partial Completions Scouts need not pass all the requirements of one merit badge with the same counselor. It may be that due to timing or location issues, etc., they must meet with different counselors to finish a badge. The Application for Merit Badge (blue card) has a place to record what has been finished—a “partial.” In the center section on the reverse of the blue card, the counselor initials for each requirement passed. In the case of a partial completion, the counselor does not retain his or her portion of the card. A subsequent counselor may choose not to accept partial work, but this should be rare. A Scout who believes he or she is being treated unfairly may work with the unit leader to find another qualified counselor. An example for the use of a signed partial would be to take it to camp as proof that the camp’s prerequisites have been met. Partials have no expiration except the Scout’s 18th birthday. Units, districts, or councils shall not establish other expiration dates for partial merit badges.
The SCOUT contacts the UNIT LEADER or Merit Badge Coordinator to open a merit badge and be connected with a merit badge counselor.
Questions about merit badges? Please contact the Merit Badge Coordinator or speak with her at a troop meeting. Remember when contacting an adult leader, scouts should always include another adult such as your parent or another scout leader in the email or text message.
The most current list of Merit Badge Counselors is found on The Merit Badge Coordinator also has access to the list published by Occonnecchee Council.
When a merit badge class is offered in Troop 82: The merit badge counselor offering the merit badge session is listed beside the merit badge on the troop 82 calendar in Scoutbook. Please contact that merit badge counselor for further information. The merit badge counselor will also add information to this event in scoutbook about requirements, future meetings - 5 W & H (who, what, where, when, why, and how).
This is a link for all merit badges offered by BSA. Troop 82 has counselors for many of these merit badges. If you are interested, please let the merit badge coordinator know.
Merit Badge worksheets
Merit Badge Info - website with locations for merit badge opportunities either offered year round or as a special event day.
BSA Advancement and Awards

Keep your applicant record portion of the blue care and your merit badge pocket certificate in a safe place.
Often scouts use page style baseball card holders in a binder.
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Merit Badge Counselor Training Merit Badge Counselors (MBC) must take the position specific courses for Merit Badge Counselor on The MBC will register annually in April with Occoneechee Council and must have a current youth protection training certificate. See chart of positions specific training, for the MBC requirements.
IF YOU ARE CURRENTLY A MBC PLEASE, remember to renew with Occoneechee Council in March annually! Use the link below for necessary forms.
Occoneechee Council Merit Badge Counselor Polices and Procedures This page has the Occoneechee Merit Badge Counselor specific information including the
Guide for Merit Badge Counselors webpage with merit badge counselor information
Scoutbook tutorial for Merit Badge Counselors
Scoutbook FAQ for Merit Badge Counselors - Frequently Asked Questions
BSA Guide to Advancement says approved counselors may work with and pass any member, including their own child, ward, or relative. Nevertheless, we often teach young people the importance of broadening horizons. Scouts meeting with counselors beyond their families and beyond even their own units are doing that. They will benefit from the perspectives of many “teachers” and will learn more as a result. They should be encouraged to reach out. In Troop 82, just like for rank advancement, it is preferred a non relative be the merit badge counselor for scouts. The exception to this is if the merit badge counselor is holding a session for multiple scouts not just working one on one with their own scout.