Running a Cub Scout Pack takes a lot of time, effort and money. The leaders of the pack Donate their time and the boys put fort the effort but we are always limited on
funds to run Great programs. If you are looking to make an impact on an amazing community program that gives back to the youth or today,then making a donation to
our Pack is that way to go.
We are looking for the following items. This list is in order of priority.
·Chuck Box - for camping (a wooden Kitchen box). Looking for some to buy/build
·Poster board 10-20 sheets, white, blue, and yellow
·1 - Case of white paper
·40 – compasses
·40- Pocket knifes
·1 - Digital Projector that can be hooked up to a lap top and a screen for it.
·Tents - we are in need of five 3 man tents.
·New/Used lap top in good condition with internet capabilities and Microsoft office package.
·New flag stands for our flag poles, New/Used/Homemade.
·Donations can be made to BSA Pack 4, and are tax exempt, please contact us for more info.